5 Simple Low Budget Home Decorating Tips

Having your own home is amazing but not all decorations are affordable. That’s why you need to be creative and patient to find ways to decorate your home with less money. No matter which part of the house you plan to change, there are ways for you to save money and decorate your house the way you want. With some DIY methods and budget planning, you can do a makeover for your home without spending all your money on professional interior design.
1. Repaint
You can give your house a new look instantly just by repainting the walls and it’s totally budget-friendly. You just need a paintbrush and the paint color you like and some patience. You can call your friends over to help you paint your house. If you want to do a makeover for your house, try the opposite color with the old one. For example, if your current wall color is eye-catching, go the other way and look for more muted shades. You can also renew your current paint by adding some ornament or geometric drawings. If you find it hard to pick colors, ask your home improvement store to mix quart or sample sizes for you. You should also look for house paint coupons so that you can save more money on painting.
2. Add Pizzazz to the Front Door Entry
Starting at the front door is important because people walk in your home will get a sense of your style immediately. Maximize an entrance space without making it a mess. You can use a chest or decorative baskets to keep house keys or mails. Add a decorative touch by putting a mirror and foyer sized table to rest flowers, and accessories to make your house look more attractive. The mirror will open up your foyer and reflect the impressive décor of the space. Save money by taking vases and decorative urns from other areas of your home that already exist.
3. Accessorize your Furniture
There are many things you can use to give your home a new look, such as throw pillows, throw blankets, and area rugs. Instead of purchasing new furniture, try some colors you don’t have yet. Use a new color palette and mix and match patterns and solids. These accessories are not expensive and you can change them once in a while. Have a worn area on the floor? Cover it with a funky new area rug – instantly and cheaply you solved a décor dilemma.
4. Redesign your Furniture Layout
You will be surprised by how much different your home look like just by moving the furniture. Find a new focal point – like a fireplace, an outdoor view, an accent wall with a television, and move your furniture to make it outstanding. Consider switching furniture between rooms in your house. You can also remove some unnecessary furniture so that you have more open space and the room may function better. This is what professional re-designers do every day so try it to make your home more attractive.
5. Upgrade your Kitchen & Bathroom Handles
If you want to make a change in your kitchen or your bathroom but you are on a tight budget, focus on the cabinet handle and door pulls. You just need to change into new door pulls and handles to give it a whole new look. You can also match your plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, and door pulls with the same metal. This connects all the elements together beautifully.